Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The saga continues


So first I get the big denied. Then I get a call from pharmacare saying that my health insurance does not cover this drug. And who, you might ask is my pharmacy benefit health insurance? You guessed it! Pharmacare! I asked to speak with someone there about why the medication has been denied and she tells me she can't explain that because I need to speak to my health insurance. And I wanted to scream at her : You are my mf health insurance!!!!!!!!!

But perhaps it's that I am ignorant. Maybe this is all my mistake. Maybe they are not my health insurance (are too, are too!). So I settle in to call Southern Health (the doctor end of the insurance a-go-go). But first, having learned from my mistakes, I poured myself a nice glass of cointreau. Because I am this close to reaching through the g/d phone lines and "touching someone" as it were.

And lo! What happens when one presses 1 for pharmacy benefits?

You get connected to PHARMACARE.

I finished my drink and decided if ever there was a hell, all insurance companies belong in it. God knows they bring it to earth for the rest of us.

Thankfully, I was calm this time and was able to charm my person into looking into it. And what did I learn? What I already knew, but since I had my wits about me for once, I was able to actually do some research and scheme while on hold (for 40 minutes, mind you!).

What I need is a letter from my doctor explaining why Malarone is medically necessary. And what I cam up with is that it is a job related expense made necessary by the particular strains of Malaria extant in the regions we're going to.

I called my doctor's nurse. She and I souped it up a bit more and made it even more dire sounding and she's getting the doctor to fax it.

Will we get the medications? Will we get Malaria? Will we get arrested for verbally abusing people at Pharmacare? Stay tuned!


Ricardo said...

Would you rather have some crazy rationing system?!?! Some BIG government bureaucracy doling out pills?!!?! Go back to Russia!!!



Unknown said...

I learned along time ago not to question the logic of insurance companies. It will rip a hole in the space time continium.